Are grapes safe for pregnancy? (1st trimester)

I'm 7w now, have been taking grapes for the past few days. (15 per serving). This morning I read an article here that grapes are a no-no because it has risk of resverastrol toxicity. 😵 My 1st scan and gynae visit is only Wed. Can anyone share if grapes are alright? What fruits should I avoid, and what should I eat? 😭

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grapes are generally safe if consumed in moderation. Most fruits are actually high in sugar content so just eat them in moderation and you'll be fine. To play safe, just avoid eating pineapple and (unripe) papaya altogether

4d ago

thank you! I haven't had pineapples or papaya.

For your reference. Seems to be safe.

4d ago

thank you! everything on google seems contradictory 😫

I eat alot of berries… strawberry, blueberry.