Fish oil medicine
I’m 21 weeks. Can I take fish oil and calcium supplements? Is it good?
yes, but take note of Epa : Dha ratio, they should be around 1:3. both are omega series but taking high epa and low dha is not recommended for pregnancy. calcium is a must because 1200 mg of calcium/day is not easy to obtain from just food.
Take those from gynae only, as I recently asked my gynae why can’t I take my existing one (even at breastfeeding) she said we won’t know if those is suitable for preggy and if will cause bleeding
do also check with your gynea whether you need to take vit d. to help our body absorb the calcium supplement better. as those that come with the calcium supplement may not be sufficient
usually the gynae will prescribed mine was a GNC brand and 2 white tablets of calcium and 1 pink tablet
rmb to take prenatal fish oil with dha it's good for baby brain development
Yea! I started having them from the start of my 2nd trimester :)
Better ask ur gynae...mine prescribed it from second trimester.
yup its commonly take it during pregnancy until giving birth
yes, usually gynae will prescribe during check-up
Yes, was given by my doctor too.