Is teen pregnancy really that wrong? Can I not keep my child? Why do people shame young mothers?

I'm 20 still schooling, but I'm6 weeks pregnant with my boyfriend's. I'm loving every moment of my pregnancy especially can't wait to see my little baby bump. But sadly I have to abort the child before I'm 6 months pregnant. This was the plan because I am financially unstable to support the baby and my boyfriend too. I know I will be fine if I go for abortion but does anyone thinks otherwise? Should I keep my baby? I'm not even sad about having this child while I should feel guilty. I wish I could keep this baby but for now i have to do whats right to prevent shame, isolation or the possibility of my parents kicking me out of house. #advicepls

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Abortion is not the solution to all your problems. I believe that you can pass whatever trials you may face, baby is innocent and once you done something you can't redo it again and you might regret it for the rest of your life. You can always get the financial support from the govt like MSF. And above all, talk to your parents, you need them the most. there's a lot of pregnant mums out there who was same as you its not an easy ride but definitely you can overcome it. Pray harder sis.

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