4 Replies

is this your first year working with this company, or had you been renewed a few times and they may not renew you now because you are pregnant? I don't know what she means by family plan - don't have kids to keep your job, or that if she was in your shoes she would have used protection certain months so her ML falls within the contract period. Either way just be courteous and professional - you want kids, it is joyful news for your family, and you are confident you'll be back to work refreshed after your ML if the contract is renewed. Whichever way it turns out, congratulations! Work can always find again, enjoy your pregnancy and motherhood!

my family planning got nothing to do with it, that's what I feel because we can always go for other job.. I'm on contract and waiting for my boss to tell me if my contract will be extended too, by then I will be on ML 2nd month already.. I think if they really don't want to renew because of that, the most we just find another job.. meanwhile go to tafep and complain because they are supposed to pay you ML if you work at least 3 months with them

maybe it's better not to have to work under such kind of person?? I had a lady manager before, super insensitive towards staff with family.. she would make snide comments like: always ask to go off to fetch kids, why kids always sick need take childcare leave..

your family planning is none of her business. your timeline should not fit hers. do you really want to work in such a place that is not supportive? it may worsen after delivery and u need to take leave..

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