7 Replies

I took my first jab at week 16. Pifzer. I found a YT video of a gynae herself being vaccinated at 2nd tri. She said it’s all about risk to benefit. Given the situation now, the risk of getting covid (esp sg with skyrocketing no; making covid endemic) and risking pregnancy is much higher than the unknowns of having a vaccine. My arm was sore for a couple of days and general fatigue. Do decide for yourself and all the best!

hi mummy please withhold from taking sinopharm! according to WHO, available data on it in pregnant women are insufficient to assess its efficacy and risks for pregnant women. would be safer toto take the recommended mRNA ones :) do consult your gynae!

Why do you have to listen to your mil for your own pregnancy? Yes, Pfizer and Moderna is safe. But the side effects are inevitable.

Sinopharm is not recommended for pregnant women in Singapore. Only the MRNA vaccines are approved for pregnant women.

Seek advice from ur gynae. I take my 1st vaccine on my 20week. Mine was Pfizer.

sinopharm has very little effectivity tho. still better if pfizer or moderna

might wanna check with ur gynae. I took moderna fyi 😊

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