Emotional thinking

I'm 13 weeks pregnant now. I feel like I'm alone in my pregnancy even though I have a husband who works and takes care of my expenses wise. Other than that, I feel no love given from him. Or isit I'm overthinking it because I'm pregnant and emotional? I feel he is too busy with his own work and his own things. And he only talks to about 1-2 hours a day after his work and before his work. I feel lonely and alone. Im scared to talk to my husband about this as he might take me wrongly. My emotions are all over and I feel I don't know the right words to explain or talk to him. #1stimemom #advicepls #pregnancy #pleasehelp

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I also felt how you felt in my 1st tri as my hub is working 2 jobs in the midst of career transition and I was battling my ms and all alone. He saw me struggling and we kinda work things out. I’m sure he will get more involved as time goes on n see your bump getting bigger. You can get him involved like going to gynae n scans w you so he can see the process. It will get better!

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