I always crave for soda 😭 my MIL it can cause baby born with autism...
Since forever, I've loved drinking soda. But since I got pregnant, many people have been advising against it 😭 It's really torturous; I even once slammed my soda can down when my husband caught me about to drink it. He immediately threw away all the soda in the fridge. My mother-in-law said drinking soda during pregnancy could cause the baby to be born autistic. I don't believe it at all. Where did she even hear such nonsense? Can you believe that just a drink can cause autism? Has anyone ever heard of that?

I completely understand how frustrating it can be to have to give up something you love, especially during pregnancy. It's tough when you feel like you're being told not to do something that brings you comfort. I'm sorry to hear about the added stress from your mother-in-law's comment about soda causing autism. It's totally normal to feel upset and confused about where she got that information. First of all, I want to assure you that there is no scientific evidence to support the claim that drinking soda during pregnancy can cause a baby to be born with autism. Autism is a complex neurodevelopmental condition with a wide range of potential causes, and it's not linked to something as specific as drinking soda. While it's important to make healthy choices during pregnancy, it's also important to focus on overall balance and moderation. If you're struggling to give up soda completely, you might consider trying to limit your intake instead. You could try substituting soda with sparkling water or infused water for a similar fizzy sensation without the caffeine and sugar. Keeping some healthier alternatives on hand might help satisfy your craving without adding stress to your pregnancy journey. It's always a good idea to discuss any concerns with your healthcare provider as well. They can provide personalized guidance based on your individual health and pregnancy needs. Remember, it's okay to feel frustrated and upset by the advice you're receiving, but try to focus on making choices that feel right for you and your baby. Take care of yourself and try not to let the stress get to you. You're doing great! https://invl.io/cll6she
Read moreAutism has nth to do with soda.. but I’m pretty sure it has something to do with gestational diabetes instead. Would be good to cut down on that. Maybe try those Vitamin C tablets that dissolves in water? A little gassy like soda, but not very gassy. I have unhealthy cravings too. But use ur baby as ur motivation!! Stay healthy with occasional cheat day. 😂😂
Read moreI drink soda+lemon the moment I wake up for the first three months to cope with nausea and all. Like you, bbt is so hard to quit and felt torturous too so after getting rly upset for not having it, I just reduce to 1 per day and half cup instead of finishing it. makes my whole pregnancy happier!
My mum had very severe nausea when pregnant with me, for a period of time she drank lots of Coke as it’s the only thing she can drink without vomiting. I turned out just fine haha. I also drank soda from time to time during pregnancy and my baby is perfectly healthy.
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No such thing... baby is not so fragile unless you're diagnosed with high risk pregnancy... they are stronger and more resilient than we think. Everything in moderation is key. Can drink if you like but of course don't drink it for three meals everyday kind ah....
Lime soda was one of the few drinks I could take when I was in my first and 2nd trimester.. water made me puke. My baby is now a happy and healthy toddler! However, there is sodium in the soda so do try to take in moderation. JIA YOU!!
Read moreAccording to deiticians at the hospital, they allow up to 2 cans of caffeinated soft drinks per day. I've 1.5L of coke bottles in my fridge, I believe there are days I drank more than the 2 cans limit.. But all is well so far..
Huh why old people always anyhow or theyre the one with autism lol. I just take everything in moderation. I drink soda hut in moderation. Not because of autism or whatever, but for my own health too
I drink soda water throughout my both pregnancy coz it helps me reduce my nausea and morning sickness feelings. My babies are healthy and normal. so I believe it is safe to drink soda water :)