If you are unwell and yet don't wish to take medication as you are breastfeeding, what would you do? Still breastfeed? #parenttown

Yes, you may continue breastfeeding. Just like what Mommy Janne said you just have to conciously maintain good hygiene. For viruses may be transmitted thru excretions from mouth or nose. You may just want to avoid face to face contact with the little one and of course sneezing in front of them if you have the flu. I remember our pedia said once when I was sick with fever and flu, that my baby might have been already exposed to the virus before I started having all the symptoms and my milk has got to be the reason why she was able to surpass it. So continue to provide milk. You may just want to have an extra hand to help you get better soon and assist you, but no need to stop offering your breast. Also, you may take prescriptions should water theraphy and natural vitamins from fruits and veggies wouldnt suffice. Just consult a doctor so you can get a prescription for meds safe for lactating moms.
Read moreHi mommy! If you prefer to go the natural way, make sure to increase your fluid intake and eat food with high vitamin C content. Now with breastfeeding, it is actually recommended to continue it. Your baby was already exposed to the virus before you knowing that you have it and since breastmilk is packed with antibodies you are helping your baby fight off the virus. Here's a link from kelly mom: http://kellymom.com/bf/can-i-breastfeed/illness-surgery/mom-illness/ This also happened to me and I did not stop breastfeeding and thank heavens my little one did not get sick at all!
Read moreIt is more important to continue breastfeeding to transfer antibodies that passes through your breastmilk. You just need good hygiene like washing your hands frequently and using facemask if you have colds or cough. You can try natural remedies and eat fruits that is rich in vitamins C to increase your immune system. You can also consult a physician so that you can take prescribed medicines that is safe for breastfeeding moms.
Read moredepends what kind of sickness that will be. I've had measles, flu and chicken pox while breastfeeding and still continued breastfeeding while practicing good hygiene and frequent hand washing. Our bodies make antibodies that help keep our babies free from whatever sickness we may have and it's passed on thru breastmilk. if they do catch a cold from us they heal much faster and sometimes don't mind the cough and cold.
Read moreHi Normally if I m unwell, I will try to heal myself through natural remedy. If really can't, will see Dr to get the medicine which is safe for bf. For my case, I will still bf eventhough I am sick by wearing a mask if i am having flu and cough.
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Yes still bf
Yes. Still.