Car or Maid
If you have a newborn coming and only have the finance for 1 option, would you opt for a car or a maid? To experienced mothers, which would be a wiser choice?

car. when I'm preg with 2nd bb, I employed a helper for 15 mths but decided to send her back due to some behavioral issue from her. she's just an extra hands on housework. my elder go childcare while younger one go my parents place nearby. so a car is more convenient for us to run multiple places daily. currently we have weekly part time helper just to do housework. so u have to gauge which one is more helpful to your daily life.
Read moreIt depends on what you want to achieve. If you have in laws/mother/ to help or sending to ifc, then a car would be good. However, if u want the helper to take care of the child, then it’s the helper. For me, I send my child to ifc bcos I don’t trust helper. And don’t like the idea of a stranger living with us.
Read moreHelper (for my case), car is way too expensive (&petrol) and tbh, in sg u can grab/taxi anywhere even if u don't want mrt. Helper can do a lot more help!
helper! for the high coe price it's not recommended. and it's now very convenient to grab or get a taxi easily.
Car. I’m not comfortable having a stranger in the house especially with my baby.
Yes a helper definitely. Helps with daily house work, meals, taking care of baby.
Helper. Cook. Clean. Look after your baby. Car just grab will do.
maid because there's always goget or bluesg nearby.
A helper!