9 Replies

Yup safe i did thruout pregnancy, but sometimes after intercourse therell be slight brown discharge due to our vagina more sensitive etc bt nothing alarming. Unless you have low placenta or placenta previa then you cannot have sex

from my experience, It's better on 2nd trimester onwards... first trimester is always risky for infections, not just bleeding... and sometimes feeling abit discomfort... even though it is absolutely safe.... just my opinion...

Gynae told me only to avoid first 3 weeks only. I had sex during my third trimester. Despite the slight discomfort due to the bulging tummy, all is well.

I didn’t have ever since conception. But based on my book it’s safe, on the condition you do not have low lying baby

My gynae advised to pass the first tri first, so we started doing it from the second tri onwards

My gynae said no need to avoid sex,can continue,but always check in with your gynae if unsure.

unless otherwise advised by your gynae, it's safe and perfectly normal!

completely safe all the way to delivery

safer to do it during 2nd tri only

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