4 Replies

Hello! congrats on the pregnancy! first, are u intending to go via govt hospital route? if so, yes u need a polyclinic referral letter then they will arrange ur kkh appointment like within 2 weeks from the polyclinic visit. this route is for the subsidized route! means it's heavily subsidized but u cannot choose ur gynae and every visit may be different doctor. if you wanna choose ur own gynae, then referral won't be necessary for your case. be it kkh, sgh or private, they will fall under not subsidized route. and the cost.. might be quite similar. of cuz private still much higher. but u have a consistent gynae to follow thru with you till ur edd. :)

side note. keep all the receipts with you! you might be able to claim it after ur child is born under the Medicare scheme or so. can't rmb it offhand now. Preggy mind.

hello mummy! First of all, you need to ask for a referral letter(which will cost abt $11, excluding the consulatation fee n medicines) from the very first clinic that u went to. Then u have to decide on which hosp u are going to (e.g SGH) afterwhich u have to contact SGH yourself to get a date for your first check up appt date. Waiting for this date might take up to 2 weeks. SGH will contact you via email or SMS once they have a date for your first appt. This is based on my experience. hope this info helps you :)

Hi mom! I went to private clinic too worst, they did not even give me referral, I went to polyclinic myself and get a referral. I’m gg to KK tomorrow

Ikr…. I don’t understand wat the clinic is doing

You don’t need a referral. You may call in to KKH, SGH or NUH for a first appointment or submit an appointment form online.

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