Need to know if some pregnant woman go thru same
Hi , I wanna know that is it normal pregnancy woman having nausea and morning sickness going 4months ??? I'm eating than vomitted keep going #pleasehelp #advicepls

Mine is occasional now at 18 twrds 19wks due to acid reflux, I find all ways to reduce my morning sickness during week 9 to 14, eating small and avoid spicy, greasy food.. All bland food, yes and totally boring, sleeping position at 45° or to 90° to avoid the reflux from the progesterones, then i started vomitting acid like stuffs for heartburn,so i started pregnancy yoga poses and breathing, walking 30mins a day and doing housework helped a lot in reducing all these nausea and vomitting. Maybe find the trigger cause for ur vomitting. Hopefully urs wil go away soon Mommy!
Read moreI vomitted til the night I went to the hospital to give birth, whole 9 months. not scaring you but each pregnancies is different. my 2nd n 3rd pregnancies is only until 3 months plus. so don't worry mommy.
It’s normal, don’t worry. With my firstborn, I have morning sickness all the way until I was at the labour ward. Very bad vomiting everyday for 39 weeks. You can do it! We mothers are strong! 💪🏼
Yes it’s normal. At least for me. For both pregnancies, my morning sickness goes way into the 4 months. I did not have the 2nd trimester glow 😅
Now 28 weeks, still feeling nausea often, though no actual vomit but still taste the metallic bulb
Yes! Definitely normal. I was puking still nearing 3rd tri😅