6 Replies

VIP Member

Since you have missed your period by a week high chance for you to be week 5-6. Even if you visit gynec now you may or may not see the baby or heartbeat clearly. If you don't have any cramps or other trouble, may be visit polyclinic first and get referral to your preferred hospital in 1-2 week's time. Polyclinic will also help you confirm the pregnancy. Please remember to start folic acid at the earliest. it's a must until week 12 for baby's neuro and spine developments.

thank you for the advice 🥳

Super Mum

Hi mama! First, congratulations! Second, since you mentioned about being a smoker, I thought I’d put this here for reading: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/pregnancy-and-baby/smoking-pregnant/ https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/basic_information/health_effects/pregnancy/index.htm Please don’t get me wrong. No judgement is being passed here. I just know it’s difficult to quit and am trying to offer more practical solutions since you mentioned your concerns.

thank you so much 🥰

You can head over to polyclinic or GP ( if you are in sg) to get a urine test and they might able to estimate the weeks you been conceiving. after that they will refer you to kkh or ur preferably hosp

Thank you for the advice !

I quit smoking when I realized I pregnant and it’s 5 weeks already. Doctor told me that it’s ok, but quit as early as possible will be the best

Thank you for sharing


go to gynae and have a check. I have friends who smoke throughout pregnancy baby is healthy. best advice is to quit

thanks for the advice

Hi, Best is to visit the gynae and get it checked asap.

thanks for the advice

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