4 weeks and 4days preganancy . Ultrasound and TVS
I tested at home 3 times and results are positive. Yesterday we went to see doctor and I was undergo ultrasound and doctor couldnt find anything . Then I had TVS ultrasound and got same answer . Doctor took my blood sample for HCG test. I know patience is the key but we are so worry as this is our first child. Can anyone help to share your experiences? Thank you so much.

I had my first scan at 5 weeks (i didnt know how far in i was yet) so when the doc said cant see anyth via ultrasound i panicked abit. But after she switched to transvaginal scan, could see just one black circle on the screen (turned out to be the gestational sac). My skepticism made the wait for next appt extremely torturous but at 7 weeks, saw that baby was starting to form and can hear heartbeat alr. I know its hard not to worry but do have faith and hang in there!!
Read morehello! the scanning might varies on individual 😊 i went to gynae on 4 weeks 4 days as well. ultrasound can’t see anything cos still early. but when scanning from V can see a very very small water bag super small dot. hehee. only until 8 weeks plus doc ultrasound can see before that it’s always scanning from V 😄 i’m a super plus size so not sure if it affects too 🤪 congrats and take good care ! 💪💪 hope you can see the water bag soon hehee.
Read morehi! had mine at 5 weeks last week. theres nothing but just a tiny bubble. Doctor couldn't detect anything but the bubble and no heartbeat. also said it is a little too early also needed to wait another 4 more weeks for the second scan and by the time it would be big enough to know and calculate the edd. it's ok mummy! hang in there ok. im sure it is just a little too early to detect. the next round im sure there's news.
Read moreBe mindful that you’re gonna be worried about your first one like me right now. I’m in 11 weeks 😂 now and still worries a lot, the first heartbeat usually at 6weeks next at 11-13 weeks they’ll need to do another scan to check on the baby’s structures and stuffs by doing blood test. And soon a more detailed scan for Down syndrome. So you’re gonna keep getting more and more worries as you go along 🥲
Read morewent thru the same as u. took blood test at week 4 and hcg came out to be 600 only and probably that’s why nth was seen. doc took my blood test again 5 days later and it shot up to almost 5000! and then we could see a gestational sac. that was about at week 5. the wait is difficult but hang in there! ❤️
Read moreYour reply is the huge relief for us. Thank you so much. ❤️❤️
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went for ultrasound scan at wk 7, I'm a UK10, medium size but I thought my belly fat is too much for the sonographer to find the beating heartbeat! she used so much force and effort just to find the beat and it was quite hurtful 🤣
What’s the result for hcg..don’t want to scare you but sometimes ectopic pregnancy happens ..hope this is not the case with you and dr will be able to find out soon the baby in USB..usually by 8 weeks everything gets cleared
Dont worry! When I first found out I was pregnant, many said cant see anything yet if i were to go and check.. so we waited for 10 weeks to go for check up. We went at 10 weeks & we did see baby with heartbeat flickering!
Thank you for your kind answer. We needed to hear this! ❤️
I was 6 weeks 5 days at my first scan. The doctor saw the sac but couldn’t find the baby via belly ultrasound. She found the baby and heartbeat with a vaginal scan. 4 weeks 4 days may be a bit early