I feel like the absolute worst

Im 8 weeks pregnant. I can’t seem to enjoy chewing on sour stuff like recommend by my friends who are moms to not feel sick. I’ve been nauseous & giddy minutes when I wake up & mins before I go to bed. i don’t feel good in my own body and skin. I don’t understand what it wants or what’s triggering. I can really feel sick the whole day. I would cry because I didn’t think it would be..this tough. help..I feel like giving up

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Dont give up dear. It happens. I felt sick and vomitted all through 5th month in my first pregnancy before getting better. Sour things may work for some mummies and they dont work for others. Sweet and sour drinks, original milk and hot soupy things helped me better. Sometimes, maybe all you need is plenty of sleep cos you are baking a new life and you need lots of energy!

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