No scan for subsidised patients
I am a subsidised patient at KKH. May I ask why do we need to see the doctor when they don't scan and jus ask how are you feeling? When you say all ok, nothing up, they jus give you the next appointment. Don't mean to be rude. If no scan and I'm feeling well, why do you need to see the doctor when they don't even scan baby every time you go?#advicepls

Unless you have a risky pregnancy, you won't get a scan on every visit. BUT gynae will always do a routine check to hear your baby's heartbeat, measure your belly and do a cervix check on the last stage. I've had 4 healthy pregnancies all under subsidies and my 5th was a risky pregnancy which can make me go to preterm labour at anytime on my last stage, also under subsidies and I had scans on every visits to make sure everything is ok inside. I gave birth in NUH with a preterm baby. Thankful for all the checks I went to. I had so many scares throughout my pregnancy and even a warning of emergency c-sect (all previous births were via normal delivery.) It is very important to go for the routine checkups eventhough there is no scan on your every visits but they do check your bp and all to make sure you have no pre-eclampsia as an example. Of course subsidies and private is very different.
Read moreActually too much scans is bad for the baby, my checks are done every visit, which i don’t think it is necessary coz i feel fine and scans also shows up well. Unless there is smtg that must be checked for like 20wks and towards the end of the tri to confirm bb position, these scans are crucial that u cant miss. Im 39 wks now my gynae don’t see me since 38 wks anymore only at 40wk for induce which usually they do weekly so i guess if u r ok, they wont ask for unnecessary visits and scans. Routine visit for early pregnancy is still recommended tho for you to clear doubts and get medicine or vitamins from docs, they will still run urine test and BP on you while u visit so yeah good to still follow up with your antenatal appt, Good luck mummy.
Read moreInteresting! I am subsidised too in kkh but when they don't schedule for scanning, I will just meet the doctor but so far, my doctor would request to scan my baby. Maybe because you don't have any health related risk or conditions. I had to do the scanning in the doctors room after I shared that I was covid positive while being pregnant. I guess that was the reason I get to be scanned. Other than that I don't think every visit needed to be scan unless otherwise
Read moreThese are called routine checks. We may feel well, but along our pregnancy, there might be new issues that might come up without us realising which can be known from our urine test and routine checks. They don't scan the baby but they will listen for baby's heartbeat. It is always good to ensure baby is doing well, even if we feel that the appt is redundant. Alot of things can happen along the pregnancy journey so it is better to be safe than sorry. ☺️
Read moreFirst, its important to go to monthly checkups cause they always check your height,weight, blood pressure, urine test. If its all normal they usually ask if U have any questions. They do scans on certain months to make sure baby is doing well. Oh and just fyi even if you may feel well it doesnt mean that everything is well. Some people get gestinal diabetes much earlier thats y all the test that u do is important.
Read moreDoctor's visit are not only focused on the baby, but also the mommy. That's why they need to check up on mommy condition too and have these routine checks. If they don't meet the mommy then they won't be able to catch any potential dangers that might be happening. Prevention is always better than cure. ☺️
Read moreMine is scan at every visit though.. Coz I’ve had spottings when I went to kkh at 4wks +. Another check up was at 6wk+, scanned. Then another one at 9 wks+, also scanned. Coming up at 14 wks+, next week. And next one next mth at 20wks. These appt also came with scan request form fm the gynae.
I agree, I had previous etopic pregnancies, so my 1st antenatal visit there's scan, to make sure my baby is in the uterus, and my next appt will also include a scanning session again. all these due to my history. otherwise , my appt are all routine check ups for all my previous successful pregnancies
actually subsidised or not its still the same. the appointment without scan is given as an opportunity for you to clear ur doubts if necessary with the doctors/replenish ur vitamins & medications. also too much ultrasound scannings is no good for baby.
This is exactly the reason why I went to Clinic B from subsidized. I wrote a complain letter in even. It was the trainees that was at the appt. I don’t even feel justified paying $40+ . I rather be paying $70 and getting a quick scan every time.
Each visit to the gynae if no ultrasound form was given, the dr does a quick scan to see position n heartbeat.. I’m on the subsidised route..
Maybe it’s coz I’m high risk as I’m 40 with twins.. first pregnancy
Household goddess of 2 playful boy