FTS result intermediate risk due to age but blood test and scan results were fine.

I just received a call from the hospital stating that my FTS results was intermediate risk 1 in 800 due to my age as currently im 40 years old this year. But they informed my blood test results and the scans look fine. Its due to my age they place me as intermediate risk and encourage me to take the NIPT test. I asked myself if i need to because even if the results wont be good, i insist on still keeping the baby. I dont know if its even necessary to take the nipt. Or does it tell if it will endanger me when im delivering the baby or this tells all about the baby condition only?

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I just did all FTS and Harmony test... just to know and ensure baby save

2w ago

if it's just down syndrome - chromosome 21 then it's fine.. 13 and 18 is more tricky. i would say do it so you are more prepared to handle what comes. a down syndrome kid will need more attention and care etc