Hi. Anyone can share their experiences after csect?
I am really scared and have to make a decision by next Friday whthr to csect or not. And probably you guys can share the prices for scheduled csect and emergency csect. I heard there is a huge difference in prices. And can share abt the catheter? I think im more scared of that.

my baby was breech position so i had to go for csect. my gynae said if on scheduled csect date if baby has turned, will induce baby for normal delivery. i had heard that emergency csect is much more expensive - can be charged for both normal delivery and csect. hence scheduled a date on week 38-39 and prayed hard that baby do not arrive before scheduled csect date. price depends on gynae and hospital. mine was at mount e and definitely more expensive than normal delivery. suggest you evaluate the reason for csect and the chance of smooth delivery. if chance of smooth delivery is small, go for csect
Read moreI made a decision for c sec around 32 weeks. anw if you have contraction before your scheduled date you still have to go for natural birth. if baby position is not right etc you have to go through emergency c sec which will be double charge for some gynae. you need to check with your gynae. I didn't regret making c sec decision because my baby position wasn't right. I had 3x contraction luckily enough the day before my operation my baby didn't engage so I can bear with it till my csec next day.
Read moreno feeling at all until 2nd day. I don't have the side effects of epidural only feel numb all the way