Diapers recommendations
I realised my baby wasn’t very picky with diapers. Have been using huggies, mama poko, and merries on rotation. and besuper diaper is cheaper than all of these. Any feedbacks or comparisons on their diapers to share?

Other than MP, I’ve used all the brands you’ve mentioned. During nb days, I use Huggies naturemade tape, then switch to Merries tape (S) as Huggies S does not fit. Now at 15mo, i use Merries (normal) pants for the day, besuper tape for night (discontinued 🥲). Then changed to Merries (premium) pants in the day, Huggies (naturemade) tape at night. [Merries normal version & premium version not much price difference during double digit sale btw.] I personally go for whatever I feel is comfortable, soft (my baby ok with all) and affordable. Some mummies use the cheaper diapers for day time, then pricier diapers at night. Ultimately, use the one you’re comfortable with. For now, if no rashes, it’s really up to mummy’s preference rather than theirs haha. Do also note, even for the same brand, different version(eg Huggies silver/gold/naturemade) they all have different cuttings.
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