Pregnant again

I am pregnant again with nombor 5 but i just gif birth 4 mths ago. Should i be ashame? I didn’t know how to feel.

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it's a blessing!!! they'll be such a great best friend. I'd love to but due to breastfeeding, my period only return when my youngest turned 2yo.

you should not feel ashamed. it's great news just take more care of yourself cause your body may be still weak and haven't heal fully.

VIP Member

It’s basically your family, your life, your body, your choice. 😊 Most importantly, you’ll love your kids all the same.

Congrats! Many people want to have kids but are unable to mother of 5 is very remarkable 💪

3y ago

If feel 5 kids is enough maybe after that can go for IUD

Its a blessing!!!!!!! Plz ignore all negative comments!!!!!!

theres nothing to be ashame darling...its a blessing indeed


it's a blessing, congrats!

VIP Member

congrats! it's a blessing!