Do you buy a breast pump before or after you've had the baby?
Hi all! I need an advice. There’s an upcoming sale on Mummys Market and I plan to get the Spectra S1 for $299. Should I buy a breast pump before the baby comes or do I wait? #advicepls #FTM

I would suggest to buy first as I bought it after I delivered thinking that baby could latch on me without a pump. My baby was admitted to the hospital again one day after discharging from hospital due to dehydration. I did not know I was not providing enough milk and baby was not latching long enough (fell asleep) so he went into dehydration and jaundice raised and had to go under phototherapy. Most doctors will recommend to latch on, but for my case.. I did not know my milk supply wasn’t enough and I blamed myself for making baby ill. Now As I bought the spectra S1 double pump, I was able to see the amount and top up with formula if not sufficient. I feel more safe and secure knowing he’s drinking enough.
Read moreBuy it in advance and also the right flange size as the standard ones given might not be suitable. You can do so by measuring your nipple + 4mm. It’s important to get the right flange size from day 1 so that you can start pumping effectively and get the flow going. I had to wait 4 days for the right flange to arrive and the first 4 days yielded very little milk for me. Once I got the size right it was a breeze to pump.
Read moreBefore is good. Spectra S1 is hospital grade so it will be a good investment. Suggest you check out shopee for cheaper brand new Spectra S1 imported from Korea, if you’re not in a hurry to purchase.
Oh, I will check it out. Thanks for your suggestion!
Hey Mama, I would buy it before baby comes. You may not have time or energy to search for one in short notice since baby will need to be fed from day one. 😅
Thank you for your reply!☺️
my 1st one was passed down by my neighbour. I only get the accessories. I bought a new s9+ for q10 at about $100 direct from korea for my 2nd one...
I bought mine before i deliver. However, i only ordered the flange after i delivered n check wif the lactation consultant
Thank you for your reply!
I purchased mine in advance. Baby due in Dec. :)
Thank you!
best to buy before baby comes
buy before the baby comes