I am a mum who adopt baby led weaning for my kid. It turns out well, but sometimes i found chunk of veggies in his poo. Is it a sign that my baby didn't get enough nutrition?

A friend of mine suggests using crushed up baby biscuits or cereal as a coating around the chunks of fruits and veggies. This will make it easier for baby to grasp and in turn, not as slippery so baby doesn't just swallow the fruits or veggies without chewing. Here's an informative article about how those chunks of food in baby's diaper does not necessarily mean baby is not getting enough nutrients or having a digestive problem. It's pretty normal and nothing to be worried out. http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/6680944.html
Baca lagiChunks of food in the diapers is completely normal, nothing to be worried about - even as adults we sometimes encounter this. It just means that his body is adjusting to solids. It will happen less often as baby learns to chew foods thoroughly.
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