Baby hasn’t pooped for 2 days after starting solids
I let her try small amount of solids as recommended by PD and she hasn’t pooped for 2 days.. she had avocado puree. when to worry? Thanks in advance. She is still mainly on breastmilk since she’s 5 months plus

Hi there! It's totally normal for babies to have changes in their bowel movements when they start solids. Avocado puree is usually a gentle introduction to solid foods, but it can still cause some constipation because it's low in fiber. If your baby seems uncomfortable or is straining to poop, you can try giving her some water in a sippy cup to help soften things up. You can also offer her foods with higher fiber content like prunes, pears, or peas to help get things moving. If she's still not pooping after a few days, or if she seems really uncomfortable, it's best to check in with your pediatrician just to be on the safe side. But in most cases, this is just a normal adjustment period as her digestive system gets used to new foods. Hang in there, and remember that every baby is different!
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