Please help
May i know why my 4months old baby the weight doesn’t gain.. his weight only 5.8kg… why ohh why… any formula to be reccomended?? Sometimes he also cn drink finish sometimes cnnt is it due to his milk or whaf…

Hey mama, Here’s a good article which mentions weight by WHO standards: May I ask what was the weight of baby at birth and also, if you’ve gone to the PD for a visit to help allay any of your fears and anxieties?
Read moreMaybe you can try s26 gold or dumex dulac. I tried s26 gold and my girl gain weight. Previously i used similac but realise not really suitable for her. But again, different baby different pace of growing. As long as baby is gaining weight. Should be fine!
My gal on full breast milk and is currently 7kg at 4.5mth. let me know if you want some to feed your baby.