Hi , may I know which mosquitos repellent is recommended for pregnant ladies ? Thanks

You can refer to this article: http://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/how-to-keep-zika-at-bay A list of brands suitable for pregnant ladies is provided. Namely, Off! Active Sweat Resistant Insect Repellent, Off! Insect Repellent Spray, Moz Away Long Hour Protection, and Moz Away Junior Mosquito And Insect Repellant Lotion. These have Deet content lower that 20%. Here is a list with brands that are free of DEET, parabens, phthalates, PEG’s, Sulfates, Dioxanes, Propylene Glycols, and synthetic fragrances: http://safemama.com/cheatsheets/bug-repellent/ Hope these help!
Read moreOn top the thorough list suggested by the mom above, perhaps you can consider natural deterrents as a supplement to the usual mosquito repellants. I learnt back in school during camping trips that lemon grass is a good mosquito (and I'm guessing other bugs) repellant. We used to bruise the lemongrass stalk and dab the juice of the lemongrass on our pillows and blankets. And it worked well all the time. I haven't tried it recently but maybe I would since mosquitos seem to be a hot topic these days. It's a natural and cheap supplement that you can try, I reckon.
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