C sect emergency & C sect planned
Hi may i know is there any difference between the two of them? Cos the first time I went csect emergency was pretty painful and after 3 months the pain is still there. Eg, can feel the stitch inside my tummy. 🥹 and the upcoming one the dr told me that it will be csect too. Need some advise. Thank u so much

Doesnt make a diff if its emergency or planned. its the same procedure. For C-sect, pain will increase slighty with each baby. I'm going for my 3rd c-sect in May and was informed it will be worse than the first two. cos cutting over previous scar at the same area will cause slower recovery each time. i did noticed my 2nd recovery is slightly slower than the first. its normal to still feel the pain after 3 months. for c-sect to completely heal, will take 6 months to 1 year. I'm nervous for my 3rd one. every baby and every recovery is diff. for some, they manage VBAC successfully. but if your condition does not permit, its better to consider doctor's advice.
Read moreEmergency is no choice? Upcoming csec shld b because ur prev one was csec.. so it becomes planned
Yeah but I wanna know whether the pain will be the same?