I heard that it is not advisable to eat chicken during confinement for those who had csec. This might leads to keloids. Is it true?

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There are no scientific research saying that chicken will cause keloids. Keloids are thought to be hereditary and tend to run in families. I have keloids too. Didn't take any chicken during confinement but I still get keloid at my caesarean scar. The key point is do not scratch if it is itchy. The more you scratch, the bigger it will become. You can ask for protective silicone sheet or silicone dioxide from the doctor. They can help to minimise the chance of having keloid but it will depend on individual. http://multiculturalbeauty.about.com/od/SkinProblems/fl/How-to-Minimize-and-Prevent-Keloid-Scars.htm

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