I heard that c section will likely leave mummy with a muffin top. Is that true?

I had a natural delivery and have been breastfeeding for 6 months and still going. I have a tummy still! I probably look 3-4 months pregnant and I have another 5kg to lose to go back to pre-pregnancy weight. So it's definitely not true! I'm sure we'll be ok if we manage to squeeze in some exercises to tone ourselves up and watch what we eat. And some people just keep losing weight without doing anything in particular. Life isn't always fair. Haha!
Read moreAll my 3 deliveries were c-section and I think it really differs from mum to mum. After my 1st child, my tummy went back to normal after 1 to 2 months. After my 2nd child, I noticed that it didn't go down that fast. And not completely flat too (meaning a little bit muffin top) And after my 3rd child, it has been 1 year since I last delivered and I do have a little muffin top...hehe...but I think if I do some toning exercises, it should go down. :p
Read moreI think irregardless of delivery method, weight gain is inevitable. I gave birth naturally and still have my pregnancy weight on me. I have to admit that I didn't really give much thought about my weight only until recently, and ever since I watch my diet, my weight has thankfully been dropping :) It also helps that my baby is also my weighs hehe
Read moreThat depends from person to person. I ahd a C section for my first delivery and lost my baby weight in two months with a flat tummy ! But during my second C section i didnt lose my tummy so easily, had to slog working out for almost 6 months
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