I told my husband I cldnt make love to him for the first 6 mths. wld be too tired and no mood anw with all the breastfeeding n pumping. As a csect mom it's not advisable to be pregnant in the first 2 years. For me, i didnt want to mess up my body with pills as I wanted to have the ability to time my intercourse. So it was just condom and we did risk it sometimes during my non-ovulating days using pull-out method. But we had a mutual agreement tt if there's accident, we'll still accept the baby as it's God's gift. We managed to keep it safe till my firstborn was 2.5 years old and now pregnant with my 2nd.
If it helps, I closed my legs from third trimester till baby is 15mo. After that used condom. I had plans for second baby but I want it to be a year end baby (as firstborn is also a year end baby), so till then, we use condoms. No pullouts as I don’t wish to risk.