Infant care
I have a problem getting both each grandparents to take of my child. Can I apply for infant care when my baby is 10months old?

Why not? My PIL doesn’t wants to help and my parents working which I also left with no choice to send my baby before 3 mths old, but I applied when I’m 7 mths preggy.. It better to send in your interest soon as most IFC are having long wait list!
why not! :') sometimes ifc might be more reliable than family... just that when the kid falls sick you'd have to take leave from work to be home looking after the kid :")
Yup you can infant care takes in babies from 2 months old onwards. But you might need to be on waiting list if your area is popular
You can start IC from 2mths onwards. I hv a pretty willing MIL but i prefer sending my baby to IC instead..
yes. u can. but not all cc has infant care. call them and check for availability. and the pricing
Yes. But have to start looking earlier. They are quite full. Hope it get better for you.
i ll sent mone at his 3rd month. do apply early, almost 1 year waiting list
Yes can! 2months onwards. So long the IFC u are eyeing has slot. 😊
Ofcos you can.