
I have been sweating excessively since day 1 of my confinement and it has been nth but great inconvenience for me given that LO is afraid of heat. Whenever I carry my LO she would cry after a few seconds and this might be due to me perspiring excessively emitting heat while I cradled her in my arms. I am really upset and affected is anyone facing the same?

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Hahah! I thought the same too when I was doing my confinement! “Is it because I’m smelly that’s why baby is crying (when I hug them)?” “Is it I’m too sticky (from all the perspiration) that’s why they don’t like me to carry them?” But it’s actually not. They’re just hungry and/or gassy stomach, sometimes it just wet diaper. In fact they love it when their mama carries them, so don’t worry at all. I’m not sure how strict your confinement is, but for me, I was allow to on aircon to cool myself, then I carry my baby. I wouldn’t want my baby to associate mama with “smelly” too! Hahaha!!

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yup me too. sweating like crazy and made me so uncomfortable. But I showered on the 12thday with warm herb water and on the 24th day. If wanna do confinement no choice.. really frustrating but have to tahan. dont overthink, your baby crying not because of you. Newborn will keep crying. Sometimes if not hungry. diapers changed means they just want comfort. Easier said then done but try to tahan thru. Im nearing the end of my confinement soon so you can tahan too! jia you!

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Hi, Yes this is normal because of the whether conditions as well. Please wear pure cotton clothes so that you feel comfortable and also change your clothes frequently.


it's normal. I had confinement in April the weather was worst than current weather. keep changing clothes does help you might want to try see if you will feel better

Normal, sweat like crazy. Will feel better after a sponge down or warm bath. Don't worry, i let my LO latch on me despite the sweat.

I did not have sweating .

4y ago

You're probably doing your confinement wrongly then. Confinement is to force out sweat to not retain excessive water in your body and to not let wind enter you body. If you didn't sweat, means you didn't do the confinement fully. That's what the elder says.

this is normal.