Baby stroller recommendations
I have been researching for baby strollers and there’s ton of them. Anyone can enlighten me on what to look out for ? 😂

when I look for stroller my main points 1. weight 2. how compact it is and is it aircraft approve. 3. how heavy can it be use up to. 4. is it easy to open and close if I'm alone. (I'm pretty small size so to me if I can carry baby and open its ok) 5. price I will highly recommend keenz! I have 2 stroller a doona and keenz and I loves keenz so much. 1. I can hang lots of stuff and it won't topple even without baby inside. 2. weight wise ok I've seen 4kg before this is 5 or 6kg if I rmb correctly. 3. it's very easy for me to use it when I'm alone compare to doona. 4. the basket is so big and useful 5. it can use up to 30kg. I bought it to Japan for holiday last day it was use to fetch my extra baggage and I Tula baby. strong and good! no regret buying!
Read moreI think it's best to test them out physically. You can make an appointment at Mummy's Market and they have quite a range of strollers there. That's where me and my husband got our stroller. For me most important was to be able to open and close the stroller with one hand. So depends on your needs and what is important to you.
Read moreWas at mummy’s market but didn’t see any for from birth. Been research and saw that most are add-one for infants.
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