Is it stupid to divorce your husband because of your mil

I have been having issues with mil ever since I gave birth. The situation has not changed and my baby is 15 months. I just don’t feel my husband is supportive. My mil keeps telling everyone that she cares about me and wants to help. But if she wants to help, why would she say things like I walk away, baby smiles… then complain my maternity is 6 months so baby sticks to me. Also, once she has hold of baby, if baby finds me she will not pass him back. She acts victim and cries in front of the family saying don’t know why I don’t like her… I am so stressed by the whole situation. And anything to do with baby, she will say me. If baby has tummy pain, she will ask me what I eat cause I am breastfeeding. Baby don’t want to eat she will ask me what I cook… I feel like she is blaming me for everything. Baby makes a bit of noise she will ask me to pass to her.., I feel like I am such a lousy mum or what..: I am literally having depression.#advicepls #firsttimemom #firstbaby #helps

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U must talk to your husband how you are feeling. Let him know the situation. Also, if best if u could stay away from her, perhaps by staying at yr parents place instead. Just a short period, a breather I must say. Don’t get too affected with your MIL cos this will affect your mental too :) we can stay in touch thru Instagram, mine is lzawang.. if u need someone to talk to! sahm here 😊

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