
12 Replies

Plain crackers and toast or for me plain scones.. Try plain cooked oats and if it's better u can add raisins or apple bits. I tried digestives, plain biscuits, bread dipped in milo, plain porridge(I had mine with bits of anchovies) , mashed potato this especially gives energy and keeps u full for some time. I had milk and cornflakes to keep full as breakfast or as night snack. All these during first trimester for all 3 pregnancies while I had aversions. Importantly must fill tummy. Empty tumtum wil make it worse.

my second pregnancy and my food aversion is v bad now too. everything cannot smell and see. can only eat food which has no smell like biscuit and bread. cant eat rice at all and havent eaten rice in over 9 weeks. first pregnancy not like this at all. i tried eating smtg sour and all also dont work. literally survive on bread and biscuit.

is it for all types of food? for me i had food aversion too esp when I'm having acid reflux, but i had to keep thinking of food and the one that doesn't make me want to puke is the one I will want to eat. also when hungry, i eat lots of bread, nuts, milo or crackers!


hahhaha. try something that doesn't have strong smell? something like porridge or maybe some sandwich and biscuit for the beginning . this phrase will pass don't worry

hi mummy! you can start with porridge or soup. then you can also take maternal milk, fresh milk, or soy milk. take care!

I have the same problem and i consulted doctor and he recommend jacobs crackers and it kinda works

VIP Member

Oh dear.. I had food aversion but was ok towards carbs. There might be something you ok to eat

VIP Member

How about trying some sour food? It helps me down some food last time


much on dry food like dry crackers, toast. this phase will pass soon


try to have more but smaller meals

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