2 Replies

Hi, I think it is useful to seek another doctor opinion. I have blood cyst (which is different from urs), 3-5cm at each ovary, more than 5cm is considered big. Private gynae ask me to do day surgery to remove, but there are risk of scarring which can affect fertility depending on the actual cyst location/angle. I went to NUH and KKH, they advise to take non invasive treatment by taking hormone pills (birth control pills) to see if the cyst respond to this treatment. Within 1 year, the cyst size reduce to 3cm then when I went off the pills, it reduce to 1cm. From what I know, cyst size can fluctuate and after removal it can also grow back. It also shouldn't affect fertility. I suggest u seek alternative opinion from gynaes. If it doesn't affect fertility then maybe its not necessary to remove unless it grow to a size that endanger u or baby. Hope this helps.

thanks for ur reply, but i cant take birth control pills. planning to try for another baby end of year.

why don't you remove it for your peace of mind and it will not hinder your next pregnancy?

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