Dying hair
I got pregnant recently, less than 6 weeks, and via IVF. So prior to knowing I am pregnant, I was resting during the TWW. So now cny is just round the corner and I haven't buy my clothes, dye my hair and all those cny groceries shopping! While the rest can shop online, my hair is in a messy state now. With split and yellow ends. I wonder can I do DIY hair dying now? Is it harmful to the pregnancy?

This is my second ivf pregnancy n the first one resulted in miscarriage. I’d say be more careful until u pass first trimester. N once you reached the stage where ur cleared for any abnormalities (20th week) or high risk, ask dr if this is safe. I realised that I was SO careful in first trimester that I got tired of it by second trimester. I started taking risks here and there but never “too much” - I believe this is according to you what you think is “too much”. Example for me is, I know it’s risky to take soft boiled eggs cos it’s technically not fully cooked. But I believe it is ok if from a trusted source and if it’s more cooked (not runny eggs). I ate one fresh slice of salmon sashimi before. Just had an ultrasound and baby is healthy and kicking really actively. Once I hit 3rd trimester (next week!!!), I’ll go back to my extra-careful ways.
Read moreBecause it's an ivf baby n we also know how hard it is to conceive, and that even giving birth to the child, there can be some risks of the child being born with problems, will you take the risk? or will you just play safe. Will you blame yourself if anything goes wrong? I think that's the most important question. I too conceived thru ivf and day by day, week by week is so hard to pass by, anxiety everyday that I have just stopped working for first tri, just in case. I've had so many scares with this one n so many doctor visits. on the other hand you tell yourself what is meant to be, will be, but you are alrdy here, more lucky than most, alot of considerations.
Read moreSame here. Ivf pregnancy here too. I believe since our pregnancy is so hard to come by, we’ll always try to play safe just in case. Especially since i went through a miscarriage for my first ivf pregnancy, the second ivf pregnancy is so precious but yet so worrying at the same time. So if in doubt of anything, better don’t risk it.
Usually first trimester is quite fragile, I also didn't dye my hair then. Just a good haircut or style your hair abit and you'd still look presentable. But of course if you want to dye, go for plant based organic kind? And be prepared mentally if anything turned out wrong eventually be it related or not, you'd be faced with self guilt.
Read moreI don't know about IVF journey but dyeing your hair is taking a risk ? i bleached my hair at least 3 times during pregnancy. dyed my hair 3 different times . different people have different reaction to each pregnancy . spilt hair just cut the ends at hair salons or even cut off the yellow ends 😅
Better to wait till after first trimester. But if you really want to do, can look for more plant based ones like Aveda (supposedly one of the safest brands) and ask the hairdresser to avoid touching the hair roots if possible.
I stopped doing manicure and pedicure during my entire IVF journey. When I first found out I am with the little one, I stopped doing eye lashes extension too. He/she is too precious and I can’t be more careful.
mine also ivf, i endured till last few weeks before delivery n did ammonia free dye.. because its very precious gift so i did what i could to be extra careful
Perhaps it is highly advice just a good hairwash with some trimming instead of dying due to the strong chemical product use.
not harmful. can do. don’t worry so much. even hospital pamphlet also say dyeing is ok