5 Replies

Congrats mama ❤️ no u won’t die. I have family and friends who also had babies close together and usually if their first baby is c sec and the next one is close, they will recommend scheduled c sec. Speak to your doctor about this. My second sis and I were born 12 months apart back in the days when medical advancement was not as good as now. You will be fine ❤️

There is always that extra fear and stigma with csect which I don't know why but if you really read into it, all forms of labour have their high risks. Natural labour also can die. with that said, think positive and listen to doctor's advice. I've read and known mothers who got pregnant after less than 1 year after csect and are ok.

Nope.Both of my pregnancies are via Csect. my second baby is only 14 months diff from my first baby. Jiayou! 💪🏻

no you're not. just that most likely it will be another csect for you. you'll be fine mummy!

No you’re not….

there s a risk of uterine tear

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