Can I get pregnant even if my period has not come back and I am still breastfeeding? I am 4 months post partum. Thanks

" While it is possible for a nursing mom to become pregnant while she is breastfeeding and before she has her first menstrual period, it is rare. Most moms do not get pregnant until after their first period (often referred to as the “warning period”). Even after that, while some can become pregnant the first cycle, others will require months of cycles before pregnancy can occur. Still others (this is quite uncommon) may not be able to become pregnant until complete weaning has occurred." ( There is a contraceptive method called lactation ammenorhea method or LAM and for it to be effective, your baby needs to be less than 6 months old, you need to be breastfeeding at least every 4 hours in the day and every 6 hours in the evening, and your menses has not returned yet. While this is 98% effective if you fulfil the above criteria, I would still suggest you talk to your practitioner for contraceptive options such as IUD and Depo- provera. For everything else, there is always Okamoto Ultra Thin! :-D But seriously, if you are not planning to get pregnant yet, you might want to consider the not so natural form of contraceptives. Every woman's body is different so you might ovulate before your menses or you will have your menses and not ovulate yet. There is no telling. Hope this helps.
Read moreYes, women can get pregnant while they are breastfeeding because although they are less fertile during this time, they may not be infertile. You may not get your period for a few months after childbirth but your body will release an egg two weeks before you resume menstruating again. However, you will not know when you have ovulated or released the egg until after your first period begins. This means that if you do not want to get pregnant soon after giving birth while nursing your newborn baby, you must use birth control methods when having sex.
Read moreApparently you can. While breastfeeding is known to be a very potent birth control method but only under the right conditions: 1) Baby is less than 6 months old. 2) The mother's period has not yet returned. 3) Baby is exclusively breastfed (with no pacifiers, supplemental bottles, or solid foods) and nurses on demand both day and night.
Read moreIt's depending on yr body, everyone has different experiences. But it's not a for sure thing that you won't be pregnant even if yr menses is not back/still bfing. There are cases which mummies still get preg, thus best precaution is to use contraceptives (birth control methods) to be safest. Hope tis helps!
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Yes. many mummies got pregnant again when they are still BF! So think twice as your elder still need ur care n attention!
yes it will, one of my friend never come any menses for a few months and check up she have pregnant again.
U can so becautious or else u can't breastfeed 1 st baby . Breast feeding very much important
I got pregnant with my second one while still breastfeeding my first one.
Opo. Kasi ako kahit nag BF nabuntis pa rin.