How do you deal with pregnancy envy?
I am feeling down seeing posts and people around me that are of the same age with babies and toddlers, basically children of their own. Seeing posts of pregnancy and baby toys when I have been TTC for awhile now. I have no children and been having baby fever for quite sometime now. It has been really difficult juggling being happy for them but also wanting and desiring the same for myself. How do you manage your emotions if you have ever experienced something similar to this? #ttc #pregnancyenvy #Sadness #babyfever As I am in my 30s, there's always a worry at the back of my mind that I could never bare children or it'll be too late

Understand how you feel. I was in a very low period myself when people around me started announcing their own pregnancies. I have been married for 5 years and seriously trying for 3 years. It didn’t help that my cousin and sil both got pregnant one month after they both got married. That was the lowest for me I broke down in the shower everyday thinking how come it is so easy for ppl around me. I have decided that I shouldn’t just sit around and wait so I went for a fertility check with my hubby. My advise is to do so asap cuz usually it takes a long time to get an appointment (via subsidized route) and the wait can be very long because every fertility treatment is based on their available appointment dates and your cycle. My total wait from first appt at poly clinic to my 1st fertility treatment was around 7months in total. I’m happy to share that I successfully got pregnant on our 2nd SOIUI try and is currently 12 weeks now. Take action and book that appointment if you haven’t already done so, I regretted sitting on it for so long and wasted so many months. :) all the best to you and all other still TTC. 💕
Read moreits really hard. I felt this when I lost my first pregnancy at 8 weeks. my sister in law was pregnant, as well as 2 other colleagues in office who announced their pregnancy when I had the miscarriage. it hit even harder when I was told to cover them during their maternity leave while dealing with the pain of my own loss. it didn't help when my boss knew and was insensitive to ask the preggers abt the pregnancy in my presence. sister in law was also happily sharing her pregnancy in my presence even though they knew. I wish ppl were more sensitive. it was tormentous but I eventually decided not to dwell over it and just stay positive that well, I can be happier without kids perhaps. my gynae advised to not get pregnant for 3 months and rest. to our surprise I got pregnant right on the first try ultimately I think with or without kids, we need to be happy and look forward to life with our partners. People with kids might not be happy for sure. chin up and wishing you all the best. stay happy and keep yourself healthy
Read moreThank you for your advice.. I'm sorry you had the bad experience and yes I agree when people who knew our condition and yet be insensitive about it. Congrats on ur little bundle of joy! I'll take ur word on it about being happy in any circumstances life gives us 😊
I didn't deal with my emotions well, I had a chemical pregnancy in 2021 which didn't made it to week 5. I was depressed and thinking why me? After the incident, I opened up my social media and kept seeing pregnancy announcements every now and then and I even had to mute their post and stories altogether. It took me months to accept that maybe it was not my time yet and before I could finally look at pregnancy posts and be happy for others. We tried for 1 year 9 months after the incident and was disappointed month after month when my period came. On the 1 year 9th month itself which was last year Sep, I was expecting to have my period but it didn't come. I tested super strong positive just 2 days of being late and I'm approaching 20 weeks next week. All I wanted to say is, it's ok to feel emotions all over the place when you're TTC-ing but don't worry your time will come too ok. The journey and the wait will be worth it, in the meantime enjoy your life stay safe and healthy! 🥰🥰
Read moreThank you!
While i was on ttc mode, whenever i see any pregnancy announcements i feel why is it not me. It hurts even more when u see your period or a negative test kit. I rmb i broke down whenever i see my period. My advise if you have been in ttc for more than a year and still no news, pls go and do a fertility check for both you and your hubby. Woman body clock is tickling very fast when we reach 30. I regretted going for the checks too late. If there is no underlying issues with both of you thats great. Anything can seek for further treatment. I went for fertility checks and it was difficult for me to concieve naturally so i went for ivf. i ended with miscarriage with my first try and here im 6 months pregnant at my 2nd try. Dont give up and one day you will be able to hold your baby in your hands. 🥰
Read moreThank you and congrats on your little bundle of joy! 😊
When I see cute baby, I also have desires. Instead of sad or down or envy, I think of how I will raise him/her when I have one. I think of what I can do to improve my wellbeing and do it when I m down. I do workouts or long walks and tell myself I will have one when the time is right and meanwhile I am doing my best and planning to be ready when it’s time. I save for baby so I will be financially ready too. Then read about child development and search baby essentials. Plan what to buy and how to decorate for baby room. By trying to stay healthy and planning for baby is my way of coping. I just lost my baby too.
Read moreThank you for your advice and I am sorry for ur loss
I am married for 5 years, I have been envied when all my friends post on ig or fb abt their pregnancy announcement. I am 31 this year. I often cry with all the insults I get for being obese, short, not taking care of diet, being tomboyish and having irregular manses and infertile. Now, I am 8 months pregnant. Something for me to prove to people who insulted me. Just dont be stress, relax, God will give you a miracle when the right time come. God's willing. Be happy.
Read moreCongrats on ur little bundle of joy! I'm sorry you had the bad experience when people were being unkind. Thank you for ur advice 😊
I can empathise with that feeling. I rmb when I was ttc, I tried not to let the desire of me wanting children get to me. I was also v scared that I couldn’t conceive but trust God. If He wants you to have children He will give them to you. Btw, I used the OPKs and it helped to predict my ovulation period accurately while me and my hubby done the deed few times during that period and got our first child :) Try using OPKs and hope it helps!
Read moreThanks for the recommendation! I'll definitely look into it
Is not easy when having inregular preriod, in order to know when the best to conceive is when you have a clear white discharge. like raw egg white. I always sad too when i see im on my preriod, i put hope on every month, till 1 day i stop google anything about pregnancy, the less u hope, sometimes it happens. Im coming 35 now. Im worried too abt my age. and start consume folid acid. Pray that u have your chance being pregnant.hugs 💗
Read moreWish u all the best on ur ttc journey too! Yes, I agree sometimes we shouldn't occupy too much time researching and resulting to stressing ourselves.. If it is meant to happen, it'll happen 💕
I just tell myself that I can one day feel the same joy as them, and try to be happy for them as much as possible. But when it's hard, I go off social media and do some other things to distract myself. When it's really really tough, I let myself have a bit of crying time to let it out, and then I remind myself my day will come, and do other stuff... Cheer myself up with positive thoughts whenever I need them
Read morehi! it can be difficult to be happy for others who are having babies when you are struggling with having one. feel your feelings, it's valid. for now, take good care of youraelf while ttc. have you tried going to a fertility doctor? i'm also in my 30s and tried for awhile then went ahead to a fertility doctor cos we wanted to have kids so bad.
Read moreYup, maybe the next step is to go to a fertility doctor and experts to find out the next steps in improving my chances to have one 😊 wish u the best on ur ttc journey as well!
On TTC journey