I feel so down and sad and tired. My baby used to sleep through the night starting from 2.5months. Every single day. Really slept from 6pm to 5am next morning. No night feedings no fussiness no crying.
But suddenly last 2 days, exactly when he turns 3 months, suddenly he refused to nap, did not sleep until 9+pm and even woke up in the middle of the night crying.
Today he cried so bad uncontrollably without reason for like 15 mins straight. And he’s more fussy/cranky out of nowhere. Not his feeding time, stomach not bloated etc.
Is this growth spurt ? Or just random stage of his life. Im so tired and drained out and really miss when he slept through the night and slept early.
Im scared he will no longer sleep through the night anymore 😭
And yes i did what i usually do. Close all light except small night light, no talking, white noise, swaddle, change diaper, feed etc.