Hi grace thanks for your reply. Cos I read that once LO is used to the faster flow he/she may not want to latch as latching requires more effort to suckle. My LO just past 2mo now. So I'm in a dilemma. If I stick to the slow flow teat, she takes a long time to finish her feed. Also she's not latching quite well due to weak suction too.
Hi How old is ur Lo? If u have changed it to S size and your lo do not have any problem drinking it, then you can proceed to change. My lo is using pigeon bottles too. I changed and upsize it on 3rd month, 6th month and one year old. Normally we used slower teats because afraid of lo cant take the fast flow teats.
Ya my LO is ok w the faster flow teat and drink much faster. My concern is whether she will still latch properly if I change to faster flow teat. I'm afraid she used to the fast flow and become lazy At latching and refuse to latch as latching requires more effort. Sorry if my initial post is not clear :)
I think it's different for every child. One of my friends was saying that she changed hers to a faster flow one when her baby fell asleep at the bottle and was taking 30mins to finish her bottle. After the change, her baby (6 months old then) could drink faster and seemed ok with the faster flow.
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Ng Grace