5 Replies

I've ate a couple of times hua zai and dian xiao er dang gui duck... ard 5-6 pcs each time.. guess shd be fine as long as dun eat too much.. if worried then just avoid for the remainder of pregnancy... stay positive and all will be fine!

Ah I see thank you!!!:)

most roasted duck sold outside contains dang gui.. recommend to ask the seller before ordering if unsure.. but most of the time their poster will also put like dang gui roasted duck then u know for sure can skip le 😂

Will take note next time!😂

yes they do! I was shocked when I saw the plate full of dang gui when they served me the duck 😭😭😭 I only ate a few slices of the duck. The rest went to my family 😭😭😭

Oh mannnn :O I ate a drumstick 😅

When I was pregnant I didn’t know we can’t eat dang gui, and I had dang gui duck a few times (like 2-3 times I think). Now baby is 3m old and everything is fine. :)

Thanks for the assurance:)

If I remembered correctly from what the person told me, they do. Anyways I just eat haha, once is awhile is fine. My baby is 19mo now no issues.

Thanks for the assurance!!

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