home remedy or natural way to increase breast milk

I delivered a baby girl last week, but am unable to produce enough milk, but I don't want to give her formula just yet? Is there any home remedy or natural way to increase breast milk?

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Nurse often. Room in with your baby, and learn to recognize his feeding cues (such as wriggling around, rapid eye movements, putting his hands in his mouth). Try not to wait until he is crying before you offer the breast. When he is crying and upset, he is less likely to be willing to settle down and nurse, and may respond by shutting down and falling asleep. Crying is a late feeding cue, so learn to recognize the early ones. Click here to see feeding cues. Newborns usually need to nurse 10-12 times or more in 24 hours. The more they nurse, the sooner your milk will come in, and the more milk your body will produce. Make sure that you offer the breast at least every two to three hours during the day, with no more than one four hour stretch during the night. Since newborns tend to be sleepy, you may have to wake him up for feedings. If you are separated from your baby after birth, or if he doesn’t nurse well, use a hospital or professional grade pump to stimulate and maintain your milk supply. Home remedies such as the popular papaya and fish bone soup is good for boosting supply. And most importantly drink water often as breastmilk is made of largely water hence to produce more milk you need lotsa water!

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