6 Replies

Oh, mama, I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing so much discomfort in your third trimester. It sounds like you might be dealing with some common pregnancy-related pains, but it's always a good idea to check in with your doctor just to be sure. For the finger joint pain, it could be due to fluid retention, which is common during pregnancy. Try gentle exercises and stretches for your fingers and wrists, and make sure to keep them elevated when possible. You can also consider using a warm compress to help with the pain. As for the swollen feet and foot pain, make sure to wear comfortable and supportive shoes, and try to elevate your feet whenever you can. Gentle foot massages and soaking your feet in warm water might also provide some relief. If you suspect that you have Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD), it's definitely worth discussing this with your doctor. They can provide you with specific exercises and support belts to help manage the discomfort. Remember, it's okay to seek help and advice from medical professionals, especially when you're dealing with significant pain. Take care of yourself, mama, and don't hesitate to reach out to your doctor for support. #YouGotThis #TakeCareOfYourself Mama's Choice $18 voucher 👉🏻 https://invl.io/cll6she

Yes, these are definitely 3rd tri symptoms. If it's affecting your mobility at work, you should see the doctor to get a notice to label you unfit for physical work. But for pain relief, try going for prenatal massages and do daily stretching exercises for SPD found on youtube.

Yes, I don’t think I can make my way to work everyday now

Agreed. I’m in the third trimester and yes I’m experiencing joint pains on my fingers and lower back plus pubic bone pains.

can super relate to all your symptoms! hurts especially after waking up from sleep probably coz of movements at night.

I am experiencing everything that is listed there. from the finger joint pains, to the hurting pubic bone.

Thank you for sharing. At least now I know it’s not something rare…



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