Has anyone tried this multivitamins for conceiving / getting pregnant?
I just bought this black mores concieve well gold tablets - it’s like some multi vitamins you should take 6 months before getting pregnant to support preconception health. Wanted to know if anyone has tried this before?

No I have not tried that supplements. Basically, I prepared my body about 3-6 months ahead by adjusting my lifestyle and my consumption of food. Eg. Cutting down and avoid consumption on high sodium, oily, sugary food, no process food, no Bubble tea, wean off caffeine, walk and move about more daily etc. I started consuming folic acid seriously when we started to try for baby or when you missed your period. For 1st pregnancy, we did a fertility check as we tried over 8months but no result. Realised the more you are trying to conceive it seems harder to get pregnant. For my 2nd pregnancy, it just happened naturally as we were starting to try. Perhaps, you can try adjusting your lifestyle and watch what you eat and go for holiday to relax. I conceive naturally 2 months after coming back from holidays.
Read moreHello! I tried. Basically I tried a lot of supplements. I ended up getting pregnant only on folic acid. And a holiday. Maybe what our body needed was just a break. Don’t fret, I did a fertility checkup too. We both were fine. I highly suggest getting yourself check - then start your way from there 💕
Read moreWe TTC (young couple) for a year, almost gave up and told myself I’ll try this along with my husband taking the men’s one. We conceived the next month 😊. Not sure if it’s coincidental but I’d definitely take this again when I’m TTC!
I tried this for more than 6 months but it did not work! I took separate supplements instead. Folic acid is the most important. If you have been ttc for quite some time, consider to see a doctor. Both you and your husband.
Read moreIve been having irregular period which made it hard to conceive and regulate my hormone for conceiving. I only consumed folic acid and got pregnant on 4th cycle. Folic acid should be taken 3 months before conception
Hello pls discuss with your gynae about the supplements you should take prior to pregnancy, usually it is folic acid, calcium. It is better to take any medication after discussing with gynae or even GP
I took this for a short time then started folic acid. Immediately after 1 mth of taking folic acid I conceived so not sure if it helps or it’s just the folic acid.. anything helps I guess 😜
took this after a biochemical pregnancy and conceived the next month! could have been coincidental but no harm trying. most importantly don't stress, stay positive, eat well and rest well!
I took folic acid and my husband took multi vitamin (with folic acid) and we tried for 3mth before i got pregnant. Dont forget about your husband 😆
I took 2 boxes of this along with Blackmores folic acid and conceived on 6th month