May I ask where u bring your lo to see doctor if he/she got eczema? And it actually help to improve the condition.

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My friend used to see Dr Ong Swee Ling, a TCM doctor specialising in eczema and psoriasis. Her condition improved dramatically. She used to get eczema flare ups even after the slightest change in temperature (from office air conditioner to outside temperature) but according to her, after seeing Dr Ong, it is under control. Dr Ong is also very patient and knowledgeable.

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I found out my LO eczema was triggered by milk formula and after changing to soy based formula and a little cream from doctor to boost the recovery, it got heaps better. I did not bring him to a pd during this period. Just a regular GP on mobile app. I would avoid clinics if it's not serious health issues.

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Please consider Dr Melanie Phua. Will look at managing eczema nutritionally etc besides just medications

8y ago

May I know the clinic name?