My 1st born is 7 months old and im pregnant again
My husband was overjoyed with the news but im still on the fence. Idk how to feel about this. I had the worse morning sickness with my no.1 and ended up in the hospital twice. I dont think i can hide my pregnancy frm my family due to my m.s. Whos gonna take care of my 7.m.o if im hospitalized again? Also, ive not lose my pregnancy weight and now, im gg to gain even more weight. Im having so much anxiety rn.

Family planning is important in order to avoid yourself feeling overwhelmed while in the process of healing. However, it is also a blessing to be given child. Should you not be feeling well during second pregnancy maybe you can get assistance from your family/in law during your period of hospitalization. Number one key, is to always get support from family members and spouse. Never seem easy for some however, they are your first point of contact and motivation. They must help you to go through this process easily. I had my sister who were pregnant with number 4 through C section while her number 3 is 4 months old. She didnt terminate the pregnancy, we give her support and she push through it smoothly. While, spouse can be happy with this news, on the other hand we are to inform our spouse that we need time to heal, recover and be back to "normal" weight during this period. You can discuss and set age gaps target in order to avoid it happening again (subject to you and spouse agreement). After this birth of the second you may wish to have a strict confinement days, on planned diet and use body wraps to try maintaining your ideal body weight. It can be anxious, annoyed, difficult. But take things a step at a time. Don't rush. Everyone's journey during post natal will be different. Follow your pace. Also I would suggest that you look up for IFC/CC when you and spouse are ready in order to get you a slight breather attending to second child. Should you require financial assistance, you may require help from the school. Here's just my two cents opinion/advice and you may have a smooth journey ❤
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