My husband took half day leave to help me take care of our boy so that I can have a rest. While I was cooking noodles for our baby, he was at the living with our baby looking after him. Then he decided he should play his clash of royal game on his ipad and neglected our baby. Baby was climbing all over him seeking for attention. I heard some hitting sound so I went out to take a look. Our baby climbed up the TV console and when I stepped out of the kitchen and scolded my husband of being so engrossed with his games that he didn't even care when baby is on top of the TV console. Just when I finished my sentence, baby fell backwards straight down to the floor and hit the back of his head. I was outside the play yard too far away to dash across the room to save him. The next thing my husband did shocked me too. He actually grab hold of his underarm and shock him hard scolding him naughty instead. Baby just turned 1 year old. Is he naughty? Is it my baby's fault? Or was it my husband's negligence? Then he commented that he shouldn't agree to my request of asking to take leave to help me with taking care of our cranky teething baby. And he is not going to help me anymore. I feel that he is very childish. Not the 1st time I got such childish remark from him. Totally irremorseful. And we quarrelled every 2-3 days. I feel like I marry the wrong guy.

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