How to answer colleage when they ask if you pregnant as it is still is the early pregnancy

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Depends on how it’s asked.. I told them I’m trying to keep to healthier diet to lose weight since they asked because I stopped taking morning caffeine or alcohol during outings. If not I’ll ask them back, do I look like I’m preg?? Haha usually they’ll back off

I didn’t say no cause I didn’t want to upset my baby 🤣 I was recovering from covid when my colleagues started to ask about my changed appetite. I simply said that my weird tastebud was due to the covid side effects 😂😅

I just said let nature takes it course. If it comes, its a blessing and I will jolly accept. If no, I will just keep trying, jia you. Usually this will just shut them up.

Will give vague answers like will let you know next time

I will just reply “You saying I fat is it 😂?”.

Ask them back “are you”? 🤣

Just change the topic or say no