Safe sex postpartum
How do you practice safe sex post partum if youre not planning to have a baby so soon. Is it always condom ? Or anyone still do sex normally on non ovulation days ? I dont intend to go on birth control due to the side effects be it short term or long term #FTM

Yup I also didn't want to mess up my body with pills or anything else. I have friends who had bad side effects like very bad acne and excessive weight gain. So I decided with my hubby to only use condoms but was very careful to only do the deed during non-ovulation days. Tt said, I was only ready to start having sex 6 months postpartum. That was also the time when my milk supply dropped due to work so I stopped breastfeeding and I started getting my period too. Managed to stay safe for 1.5 years by just using condoms, then we decided to use the pull out method during non-ovulation days cz we were at a pt where we were still not sure if we're ready for a 2nd one but we're still okay to accept if we conceive. I did conceive but unfortunately had an early miscarriage. Only aft my firstborn turned 2 years old tt we started actively trying, using ovulation kit and for me to start eating my folic acid and have a healthier diet. Conceived within 3 months from then on and now pregnant with my 2nd.
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